Thursday, April 17, 2008

Joi Ito explains the Creative Commons to Loic Le Meur

Joi Ito explains the Creative Commons to Loic Le Meur

Note: July 21. While correcting a typo in the title of this post, I discovered some link rot. The video is no longer available. Youtube reports "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation." That's the only information - as if there were only one term of use.

I originally found it on Joi Ito's own blog at ... so at least one of the parties in the interview was agreeable to it's being posted. He and Loic were discussing "old" and "new" media at Cannes in April.

On the blog (and on other references to the post), there were no production credits (as one would find on an AP or Reuters photograph). From what I recall, it seemed to be produced by a handheld camera, though probably not a keitai camera.

Loic's blog entry Joi Ito explains Creative Commons in Seesmic du Jour 124 links to the same [yanked] video.

A google search for [Joi Ito chats with Loic Le Meur about the Creative Commons] finds an edited version of this video at one of Loic Le Meur's podcast site -- as Seesmic du Jour 124: Joi Ito in Cannes, which opens at .

Wonder what the story is. How did this get pulled ? Is all of Cannes copyrighted ? Who complained ? Was Youtube hacked ? Curious minds want to know.

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